Tuesday 14 April 2015

That Mountain

I've always wanted my own take on Table Mountain, as seen from Lion's Head. Took the path up that rock this past Saturday morning and snapped this from the plateau, roughly 630m above sea-level. No tripod, shot by hand. I think it came out okay.  

I couldn't believe the awesome views you have from Lion's Head and decided I need a panorama view to try and capture one of the World new 7-Wonders. Here you can see the cold front still over Cape Town on the left, with Table Mountain in the centre with the 12-Apostles stretching behind it. Camps Bay can be seen on the right with the ocean drawing you in. I'm quite proud of this, thanks to the image stabiliser on camera lens (shot without tripod). Quite happy with how this turned out! Hope you like it too... [JohnMcKayZA]

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