Wednesday 3 December 2014

Postage Stamp Series

I recently asked a friend if I could assist him with "tweaking" his watermark / signature used in his awesome photography. A spin-off to this is that you sometimes get motivated and/or flooded with various ideas of your own, which has resulted in what you see here now - an almost "POSTAGE STAMP" Series. I utilised some of my older pics and came up with this series of 6. I do hope you like it as much as I enjoyed creating them. JohnMcKayZA

Comments are always welcomed.

Kalula Flight (Postage Series 1/6)
The Photographer (Postage Series 2/6)
Nismo's  (Postage Series 3/6)
Tree Sunset  (Postage Series 4/6)
Datsun P510  (Postage Series 5/6)
RoundAbout Trees  (Postage Series 6/6)

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