Sunday 30 November 2014

Aidan's Minion Party

My cousin, Madelein, has the most adorable little man - Aidan. He turned a great big ONE (1) on Friday and my princesses were invited to attend his Minion Party yesterday, 29-Nov-2014. This is what he got up to. I trust that God will bless and keep him save for years to come. Happy Birthday Aidan - Congrats Madie & Cossie!
The birthday boy, Aidan
The Minion Cake (hmmm, chocolate).

The decor obviously had to be minion style
Swimming with Daddy in the pool - Look at that FACE!
Colourful ball pit with water slide. This was a favourite!

Nothing but love between mother & son

Family nibbling away - that's my mother in the middle
More family enjoying each other's company - Grandma to the left. Other Grandma 2nd from right.
Some friends needed assistance
At times it felt like a picnic outside

If you're one and just learning to walk, you'd also be on the ground a few times.

Just checking the ingredients to this juice! LOL!
Food for thought - Grandpa to the left.
Riding see-saw style can be fun!

Truly relaxed - Budda Style.  :-)

Probably contemplating that 2nd piece of cake! LOL!
Big boy seems tired. It was a long day.
Everyone was cosy / comfy watching the kids
 Everyone enjoyed the playtime. Some guided others.

At times kids had to share, but that was okay.

Grandma Annewynne

Nothing but LOVE in those eyes (Oh! Its my reflection!)
Grandpa Dudley
NO! They did NOT get a scolding. Just talking... LOL!
Smiles were seen all around...

If you're ONE, you will cry from time to time. DADDY!!!

Madelein ensuring things are as planned
At the end of the day, Aidan approved it a SUCCESS!

I want to thank Madie & Cossie for inviting my kids (no family) over to join in on the celebrations. Even though I am not a photographer I had fun pointing my camera around like I was. These images are shared as not all aunts could make it in time. Leigh-Ann (Germany) and Beverley (Durban, ZA), you were (and are) always in our thoughts. Hope to see you soon! Love you all!

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