Thursday 26 February 2015

Village Inn

This image was shot during my December 2014 leave, while on holiday in the Eastern Cape in Storms River. This is the Tsitsikamma Village Inn... as always, it was an overcast day in the Tsitsikamma Forest...

This "Dutch Styling" just calls to me... Wish I could be there now...

Open Doors

Open doors makes life easier.... they welcome you in. They say there's no worries or care in the world here. You will be treated fairly, equally. Just step in...

I don't shoot in Black 'n White. I edit my images to get that "feel." Maybe one day I'll venture into shooting in MONO, but for now its about the point & shoot for me...

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Yester Year

Loved this awesome building in Oakdale. It just has that "Yester Year"feel for me - from a time long gone, but not forgotten (or lost)...

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Sunday 15 February 2015

MyCiti - Cape Town

View of MyCiti Cape Town from Signal Hill... Isn't it awesome?


I had to visit the Sunstar on top of Signal Hill to get a snapshot of it. Pity I could not get there in the dark, as sculpture lights up at night. No matter what, I think its quite impressive.

For more information on the Sunstar, refer here...

Friday 6 February 2015

Pipe Track Views

The Pipe Track leads "behind" Table Mountain and the 12 Apostles. It follows a water pipe laid along the mountain, which serviced lower Camps Bay in the early 1900's. Needless to say it offers great views of Lions Head, Camps Bay and the ocean.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Pipe Trail Pose

Pose on the Pipe Trail Hike, along Tafelberg's 12 Apostels. The views you get are so amazing, even the trees along the path offers great opportunities for awesome images.       [JohnMcKayZA]